How to Build the All-Wood Back of the Home Sauna

Read how to install the all-wood back wall of the sauna here.

Back Wall Installation:

  1. Place the Center Portion: Insert the center portion of the back wall into the groove. Ensure it is deep in the groove.
  2. Secure the Center Portion: Screw the wall from below into the center of the groove with a 4.5x60 screw.

Sides of the Back Wall:

  1. Place the Side Panels: Position the two side panels of the back wall, ensuring they fit well into the groove and the numbers match.
  2. Attach the Side Panels: Secure the side panels to the center panel with two 4.5x60 screws at the bottom and two 5x100 screws at the top.

General Steps after Installation of the Back Panel:

Placement of Crescent Profiles:

  1. Place Crescent Profiles: Position a crescent profile on the two walls, ensuring they fit into the groove of the crescent profile.
  2. Attach Left Half-Moon Profiles: Piece by piece, place the left half-moon profiles on the left side and screw them down with two 4.5x60 screws per half-moon profile. Use a rubber mallet for a tight fit.
  3. Repeat for Right Side: Repeat this process for the right half-moon profiles on the right side.

Upper Profiles Insert:

  1. Position Upper Profiles: Place the remaining left and right crescent profiles without screws. Leave enough space on top to allow one more profile in between.
  2. Remove Middle Crescent Profile: Remove the upper middle crescent profile.
  3. Place the Last Double Crescent Profile: Insert the last double crescent profile, using a rubber mallet to position it if necessary.

Attach Straps:

  1. Insert Tension Straps: Insert the tension straps and hand-tighten them. Remove the screws in the formwork up to the slipper.
  2. Tighten Straps: Tighten the straps and, while tightening, tap the formwork with a rubber mallet to position it correctly. Tighten the straps with an impact driver and wrench.

Attach Rain Leaders:

  1. Attach Rain Leaders: Secure the rain leaders to the formwork on both sides with 4.5x60 screws, placing one screw approximately every meter.

A detailed step-by-step explanation can be found in our manual.